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'''As of the Winter '18 release of Sugar, you must [ enable the "starfish" platform] in your instance of Sugar or Starfish will not be able to connect to your instance.'''<br>
Note that older versions of Starfish use the "api" platform instead of the "starfish" platform.  If Starfish still won't connect for you, try adding the "api" platform in addition to the "starfish" platform.
=SugarCRM REST Origin=
=SugarCRM REST Origin=
Use JSONLint to validate JSON:
==Sample Origin Filters==
==Sample Origin Filters==
See the GET /<module> filterList in the SugarCRM REST Help:  https://SERVER/rest/v10/help/
See the GET /<module> filterList in the SugarCRM REST Help:  https://SERVER/rest/v10/help/
Line 5: Line 9:
Note the [{...}] surrounding the filter.  This is required.
Note the [{...}] surrounding the filter.  This is required.

<syntaxhighlight lang="c">
<syntaxhighlight lang="json">
Using and:
<syntaxhighlight lang="json">

A more complex filter using $not_null and $not_equals:
A more complex filter using $not_null and $not_equals:

<syntaxhighlight lang="c">
<syntaxhighlight lang="json">
Filters using ands and ors:
<syntaxhighlight lang="json">
<syntaxhighlight lang="json">

Line 18: Line 36:

Checking to see if a field is blank using $is_null:
Checking to see if a field is blank using $is_null:
<syntaxhighlight lang="c">
<syntaxhighlight lang="json">

Grab records modified after a certain date.  This is useful for creating jobs that only look at records modified since the last run date/time of Starfish.
Grab records modified after a certain date.  This is useful for creating jobs that only look at records modified since the last run date/time of Starfish.
<syntaxhighlight lang="c">
<syntaxhighlight lang="json">
Note that this date MUST be formatted correctly, just like the DateTime field found below: res = FormatDate(GetSetting("AccountDownloadLastDT"), "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss")
When filtering on a checkbox, you need to use 1 or 0.  This example works on the Teams module.
<syntaxhighlight lang="json">
The REST API does have an IN clause:
<syntaxhighlight lang="json">
The REST API also has a CONTAINS clause:
<syntaxhighlight lang="json">
Filtering on the email 'field' only queries the primary email address. To filter for an email address in all of a contact's email addresses, use email_addresses.email_address as the field name.
<syntaxhighlight lang="json">
==Custom SugarCRM REST API Endpoint==
==Using a Custom SugarCRM REST API Endpoint==
Version 3.9.x of StarfishETL can talk to a custom SugarCRM REST API EndPoint in the "Origin" tab of a map.  (You can update your version of StarfishETL through the "Check for Updates" link under the main menu of the StarfishETL Admin program that you see when you click the StarfishETL icon in upper-left of screen... you may also be prompted to update the "Updater" program in StarfishETL).<br /><br />The Sugar CRM Instance URL on the "Origin" tab would still remain with the "/rest/v10" syntax:
Version 3.9.x of StarfishETL can talk to a custom SugarCRM REST API EndPoint in the "Origin" tab of a map.  (You can update your version of StarfishETL through the "Check for Updates" link under the main menu of the StarfishETL Admin program that you see when you click the StarfishETL icon in upper-left of screen... you may also be prompted to update the "Updater" program in StarfishETL).<br /><br />The Sugar CRM Instance URL on the "Origin" tab would still remain with the "/rest/v10" syntax:
<syntaxhighlight lang="c">
<syntaxhighlight lang="c">
Be explicit in the "Fields:" area, typing in the names of fields to match those returned by your custom endpoint.  For example:
Be explicit in the "Fields:" area, typing in the names of fields to match those returned by your custom endpoint.  For example:
<syntaxhighlight lang="c">
<syntaxhighlight lang="c">
Line 72: Line 112:
<br />
In the screen-shot shown above, you can see the two returned results shown in the "Data Preview" table area after having clicked the "refresh/run" (circular arrow) icon.<br /><br />

In the screen-shot shown above, you can see the two returned results shown in the "Data Preview" table area after having clicked the "refresh/run" (circular arrow) icon.
==SugarCRM REST Module Endpoint Sorting==
==Custom SugarCRM REST API Endpoint Sorting==
You can sort results from regular Module REST API endpoints by placing the "order_by=' phrase in the "Fields:" box such as "order_by=name:ASC".  There should be a space between the last field name and the "order_by".  Please note the underscore character between the words "order" and "by", as well as the colon character after the field name and before the "ASC" or "DESC" sort directive at the end.<br />
Continuing with our example from above, you can sort results by placing the "order_by=' phrase in the "Fields:" box such as "order_by=name:ASC".  There should be a space between the last field name and the "order_by".  Please note the underscore character between the words "order" and "by", as well as the colon character after the field name and before the "ASC" or "DESC" sort indication.<br />
[[File:StarfishETL_SugarCRM_Origin_Endpoint_SortASC.jpg]]<br /><br />
[[File:StarfishETL_SugarCRM_Origin_Endpoint_SortASC.jpg]]<br /><br />
Descending sequence:<br />
Descending sequence:<br />
Line 83: Line 124:
<syntaxhighlight lang="c">
<syntaxhighlight lang="c">
  id,name order_by=name:ASC
  id,name order_by=name:ASC
</syntaxhighlight><br />
We could have left the SQL "order by" phrase off our filter input to our custom endpoint example, instead using the StarfishETL "order_by" mechanism to get sorted results.  Just put a space between the last field in your "Fields:" list and the "order_by" directive at the end.
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
==Retrieve Deleted Records==
You can use the "SugarCRM REST" Connector to retrieve deleted record by appending ";true" to the end of the "Sugar CRM Instance URL:" field's value and Filter for deleted records, [{"deleted":"1"}]:<br>
You can also filter for recently deleted records by filtering on the date_modified.  See example in
=Using the Upsert PATCH endpoint=
Using the newer upsert PATCH endpoint,, in StarfishETL is fairly simple:
#On your Destination, choose Batch mode.
#Create ONE single Update/Insert Stage pointing to the module you want to Upsert.
##This type of Job only supports one, single stage.  You CANNOT for example, update your Origin based on the results or perform any other subsequent actions based on your Upserts.  You will need to query the destination table with a subsequent Job that will do any processing or xref creation that you need.
##Please note that this only works with Update/Insert stages.  Per the documentation: "If a record can be found with sync_key_field_name, then update. If the record does not exist, then create it."
#Match on the sync_key field and only the sync_key field.
##Per the Sugar documentation, we should be able to update the Starfish connector to match on any field.  As of April 3rd, 2024, this functionality has not been implemented.  We have a feature request open to add matching on any field.
##If multiple match fields are chosen, the job will not work correctly.
Note that this does not work with some modules such as Emails or the custom "Relationships" table that Starfish uses to create relationships between two records.

===Insert Note Attachment===
First, you need an Insert Stage into the TempFile table. This should insert the file in Binary form as described below. Then, on the Insert and/or Update Note stage, pass JSON into the attachments JSON field on the Note.  The JSON must be formatted in a specific way and multiple attachments can be added to a single note.  I use the following code for one attachment.
<syntaxhighlight lang="csharp">
object ScriptedField()
//return json attachments here (from flow control)
string fileName = ConvertObj2String(Starfish.OriginData["FILENAME"]);
//If the first stage failed, then we won't get this far.  So I don't need to check to make sure we have an attachment ID.
string fileID = ConvertObj2String(Starfish.GetStageValue(0,"#ID"));
string attachment = @"{""create"":[{
""deleted"": false,
""portal_flag"": true,
""embed_flag"": false,
""entry_source"": ""internal"",
""attachment_flag"": true,
""sync_key"": null
//Starfish.LogMessage("ATTACHMENTS STRING: " + attachment);
return attachment;
If you need to insert and create the JSON for multiple files, you can use this code:
<syntaxhighlight lang="csharp">
    if (CurrentStageName == "Insert TempFile") {
    var fileName = attachmentURLs[ui];
    fileName = fileName.replace("","");
    fileName = fileName.replace(/%2F/g,"-");
    var re = /(([A-z0-9._-]+)[.]\w+)/g;
    fileName = fileName.match(re);
    var attachment = {
        //"file_mime_type": "application/pdf",
            //"file_ext": "pdf",
            "deleted": false,
            "portal_flag": true,
            "embed_flag": false,
            "entry_source": "internal",
            "attachment_flag": false,
            "sync_key": null
    if (ui < attachmentURLs.length-1) {
        Starfish.GotoStage("Insert TempFile");
    } else {
    Starfish.GotoStage("Upsert Attachment Note");
If you need to download the file from somewhere and convert it in code for the TempFile table, use this code:
<syntaxhighlight lang="csharp">
object ScriptedField()
//  Example URL:
// var url = "";
var url = Starfish.GetSetting("attachmentURL");
url = url.Replace("&amp;","&");
//var s = Convert.ToBase64String(new System.Net.WebClient().DownloadData(url));
//return new System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(s);
System.Net.ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol = System.Net.SecurityProtocolType.Tls12;
return new System.Net.WebClient().DownloadData(url);
As of Q1 2021, with the release of Sugar v10.3, Attachments have changed again.  In v10.3 a Note can contain multiple attachments.  To accomplish this, "Child Notes" are created for each attachment and then related to a "Parent Attachment".  The "Parent Attachment" then contains multiple attachments.  To insert attachments in this way, first update your Sugar REST Connector to use the URL: "https://sugarurl/rest/v11_11".  Then insert each attachment as a Note making sure to set:
*name = file name
*filename = file name
*attachment_flag = 1
*attachment (byte[] type field) = Binary of the file
While doing this, create a json array of the Note IDs you are inserting. 
Next, insert the "Parent Note" and set:
*attachment_flag = 0
*attachment_list = JSON array of "Child Note" IDs you just inserted
**Example: [{"id":"@@STG:0,#ID@@"}]
As of early 2020, the process to insert an Attachment has changed. First, you need an Insert Stage into the TempFile table. This should insert the file in Binary form as described below. Then, on the Insert (or Update etc) Note stage, feed the Guid (Stage ID) from the TempFile stage into the filename_guid field. Do not populate the attachment field. 
In Sugar, Attachments are stored as Notes. To attach a file to a Note, simply run an Insert, Update or Update/Insert Stage against the Notes module. There will be a field call "attachment". Map it as a function and select the Format Conversion Tab in the Function Field window. Fill in your Conversion Source where the file can be found. EX: C:\Temp\CRM\upload\@@ORG:id@@. Then select the "File -to- Binary" Conversion Operation.  You will also need to fill in the filename in the filename field.  You can also use a C# script to work with files.  See [[Download File|Download File]] scripting examples.
===Download Note Attachment===
====v10.2 and lower====
To download a Note's Attached file via the REST API, you must pass a GET request to: baseUrl + "/Notes/" + noteId + "/file/filename".  The response is a binary file.  Luckily, Starfish does all of the work for you.  When Starfish reads a Note record, Starfish checks to see if the Note has a populated filename.  If it does, the file is presented in binary format in the 'attachment' column.
I think this method stopped working in v12.2.  It may not work in v12.1.  It seems to work in v12.0.  In v10.3, if a Note has one or more attachments, the "child" note IDs will be listed in the "parent" note's attachment_list field.  You need to parse this list of IDs and then, for each ID, call a Lookup to get the attachment data.
You can get an array of the IDs in a Pre-Process:
<syntaxhighlight lang="csharp">
void CSharpProcedure()
    //Reset the Global C# Variables
    //Look at the C# global variables for the delarations.
    attachmentIndex = 0;
    attachmentNumber = 0;
    //Starfish.ParseJson is a function built into Starfish.  It will remember the JSON from row to row until the Job finishes, so we must clear it before we start a new row.
    int len;
    //Use built in Starfish code to parse the JSON.  Remember that this Starfish will remember this JSON until we clear it, so we can use it later in this Job.
//Use built in Starfish code to get the length of the JSON array.
attachmentNumber = Starfish.JSONArrayCount();
if (attachmentNumber == 0)
    //The origin query for both the "with attachments" and "without attachments" jobs are the same.  Here, we check to see if there are attachments.  If there are, we proceed.  If there are not, we skip this row.
Once you have the IDs, you can loop over them and get the data with a lookup.
<syntaxhighlight lang="csharp">
object ScriptedField()
    string result;
    result = "";
object att;
att = Starfish.SmartLookup("Notes","attachment","[{\"id\":\"" + Starfish.GetJSON(attachmentIndex,"id") + "\"}]",false,"","ORIGIN");
if (att == null) {
        //result = "object is null";
    } else {
        result = Convert.ToBase64String((byte[])att);
return result;
Note that in using v12.2 I have found that sometimes, Note Attachments are created with the older v10.3-v12.1 process.  As such, I have had to code for both options and check which Note type I am dealing with and then use the correct process to download the Note.
This process is very similar to the v10.3-v12.1 process.  They replaced the "ATTACHMENT_LIST" field with the "ATTACHMENTS" field.  I left the old ParseJson function commented out below so you can compare.<br>
'''YOU MUST PUT "attachments" in the "Fields" field on the Sugar Origin.  You must also be using v11_14 or higher of the API.  To set your version, put the full path to the version in your Connection's URL.  Example: ""'''
For this function to work, be sure to declare attachmentIndex and attachmentNumber as ints in your "C# Global".
<syntaxhighlight lang="csharp">
void CSharpProcedure()
    //Reset the Global C# Variables
    //Look at the C# global variables for the delarations.
    attachmentIndex = 0;
    attachmentNumber = 0;
    //Starfish.ParseJson is a function built into Starfish.  It will remember the JSON from row to row until the Job finishes, so we must clear it before we start a new row.
    int len;
    //Use built in Starfish code to parse the JSON.  Remember that this Starfish will remember this JSON until we clear it, so we can use it later in this Job.
//Use built in Starfish code to get the length of the JSON array.
attachmentNumber = Starfish.JSONArrayCount();
if (attachmentNumber == 0)
    //The origin query for both the "with attachments" and "without attachments" jobs are the same.  Here, we check to see if there are attachments.  If there are, we proceed.  If there are not, we skip this row.
Once you have the IDs, you can loop over them and get the data with a lookup.
<syntaxhighlight lang="csharp">
object ScriptedField()
    string result;
    result = "";
object att;
//att = Starfish.SmartLookup("Notes","attachment","[{\"id\":\"" + Starfish.GetJSON(attachmentIndex,"id") + "\"}]",false,"","ORIGIN");
//For v11_14+ API:
att = Starfish.GetJSON(attachmentIndex,"data");
if (att == null) {
        //result = "object is null";
    } else {
        result = Convert.ToBase64String((byte[])att);
return result;
===Insert Document Attachment===
Starfish cannot currently do this.  If you need this capability, please email
===Download Document Attachment===
To download a Document's attached file via the REST API, you must pass a GET request to: baseUrl + "/Documents/" + documentId + "/file/filename".  The response is a binary file.  Luckily, Starfish does all of the work for you.  When Starfish reads a Document record, Starfish checks to see if the Document has a populated filename.  If it does, the file is presented in binary format in the 'attachment' column.
==Emails (As in records in the Emails module.)==
===Email To/From/CC===
The "to", "from", and "cc" fields for the Emails module are rather unique and require you to pass in JSON. 
Here are some samples of what is allowed:
<syntaxhighlight lang="json">
{"create": [{"email_address":"","email_address_id":"4dd0f6e8-6832-11e8-942e-069081b836be"}]}
{"create": [{"email_address_id":"4dd0f6e8-6832-11e8-942e-069081b836be"}]}
{"create": [{"parent_type":"Contacts","parent_id":"b5935fc4-e11c-0299-6ca0-50e7ae7c8be5"}]}
//This is the full result for multiple email addresses found by monitoring Sugar REST Calls.  This could be pared down to remove some of the items as was done for the above examples.
{"create": [{ "_link": "to", "email_address": "", "deleted": false, "email_address_id": "8ee65e0e-1e65-11e9-ac42-02ae981fbade", "invalid_email": false, "opt_out": false }, { "_link": "to", "email_address": "", "deleted": false, "email_address_id": "92d9d48c-1e65-11e9-9a9d-02ae981fbade", "invalid_email": false, "opt_out": false }, { "_link": "to", "email_address": "", "deleted": false, "email_address_id": "955421c2-1e65-11e9-aacb-02ae981fbade", "invalid_email": false, "opt_out": false }]}
These were found by monitoring Sugar via Chome Dev Tools and via trial and error.
Take a look at this function in the C# Scripting examples to see how to find all email addresses in a string and get the proper JSON for Sugar's REST API. <br>
===Email Attachments===
As of Sugar v8.0, you can NOT Update the attachments field.'  Email Attachments must be inserted into the Email Module's "attachments" json type field.  The expected format is:
<syntaxhighlight lang="json">
If you want to insert multiple attachments to an Email, you must pass them in all at once.  This sample code may help:
<syntaxhighlight lang="csharp">
object ScriptedField()
int i = 0;
var res = "{\"create\":[";
foreach (string s in arrTempFile)
res = res + "{\"_link\":\"attachments\",\"filename_guid\":\""+ s +"\",\"name\":\""+ arrFileName[i] +"\",\"filename\":\""+ arrFileName[i] +"\"},";
res = res.Substring(0, res.Length-1);
res = res + "]}";
return res;
==Field Types==
==Field Types==
===Assigned User===
To assign a user to a record, you can normally pass in the user's ID to the assigned_user_id field.  EX:
<syntaxhighlight lang="json">
This only works for standard users.  If you want to assign a record to a Group User, you must pass in the user's ID to the assigned_user_id field AND populate the assigned_user_name field with some JSON:
<syntaxhighlight lang="json">
===Assigning Teams===
===Assigning Teams===
On the team_name field you want to supply a bit of JSON with examples below. It should be noted with this method whatever you supply will completely replace the team values, as opposed append to them like in previous versions. You can use a hardcoded field value or return the value from a scripted field but the result needs to look like this:
On the '''team_name''' field you want to supply a bit of JSON with examples below. It should be noted with this method whatever you supply will completely replace the team values, as opposed append to them like in previous versions. You can use a hardcoded field value or return the value from a scripted field but the result needs to look like this:

One Team (will automatically become primary):
One Team (will automatically become primary):
Line 101: Line 439:

Note that if you are building this JSON in a VBScript, you need to use double double quotes for a single double quote.  See this script I used while reading from a Sugar database using the SQL Server connector.
When mapping to a checkbox, use a script to set the value to "true" or "false", making sure to use all lowercase.
===Date Fields===
<syntaxhighlight lang="vb">
<syntaxhighlight lang="vb">
Function ScriptedField
Function ScriptedField
  ScriptedField=FormatDate("@@ORG:renewal_date_c@@", "yyyy-MM-dd")
'[{"id": "17b6bc3e-38a3-db70-6490-50ed7c3a4d87", "primary": true}, {"id": "191cd916-e650-f0e2-4776-50d070d6493e"}]
dim arr, i, res
arr = SmartQuery("team_sets_teams","deleted = 0 and team_set_id = '@@ORG:team_set_id@@' and team_id <> '@@ORG:team_id@@'","team_id","ORIGIN")
res = "[{""id"": ""@@ORG:team_id@@"", ""primary"": true}"
for i = 0 to UBound(arr)
res = res & ", {""id"": """ & arr(i,0) & """}"
res = res & "]"
End Function
End Function

===Datetime Fields===
<syntaxhighlight lang="vb">
When mapping to a checkbox, I've seen different versions require different things.  In some cases, you can use a hard coded true.  In other cases, you can use a hard coded 1.  In the last type, I've had to use a Scripted Value to set the value to "true" or "false", making sure to use all lowercase and not use double quotes.
<source lang="vb">
Function ScriptedField
End Function
In Sugar 7.8+ I had to supply a 1 or 0:
<source lang="vb">
Function ScriptedField
Function ScriptedField
  ScriptedField=FormatDate("@@ORG:date_entered@@", "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss")
If "@@ORG:is_admin@@"=True Then
End If
End Function
End Function
As of early 2017, due to a Sugar bug,, when importing data into a Currency field, you need to set the currency_id and/or currency_id_c field to -99.
===Date Fields===
<syntaxhighlight lang="csharp">
object ScriptedField()
    string strDte = ConvertObj2String(Starfish.OriginData["DUEDATE"]);
    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(strDte))
        strDte = Convert.ToDateTime(strDte).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
    return strDte;
===Datetime Fields===
Please note that this script uses a [[Using_Starfish_Scripting_Class_Properties_%26_Methods_in_C#ConvertObj2String|ConvertObj2String]] Global function.
<syntaxhighlight lang="csharp">
object ScriptedField()
    string strDte = "";
    if (Starfish.OriginData["SYSTEM.CHANGEDDATE"] != null)
        DateTime dte = Convert.ToDateTime(ConvertObj2String(Starfish.OriginData["SYSTEM.CHANGEDDATE"]));
        strDte = dte.ToString("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss");
    return strDte;

This is the function I use to convert source data to Sugar Dropdown DB values.
This is the function I use to convert source data to Sugar Dropdown DB values.
<source lang="vb">
<syntaxhighlight lang="visualbasic">
Function ScriptedField
Function ScriptedField
dim source  
dim source  
Line 134: Line 520:
End Function
End Function
===Multi-select Dropdowns===
As of at least v12.3, if you are using the PATCH bulk endpoint [[SugarCRM_REST#Using_the_Upsert_PATCH_endpoint]], you must supply the database values:
^Option A^,^Option B^

===Multi-select Dropdowns===
In newer versions of Starfish, data for Multiselect fields must be supplied as a JSON Array of strings.
Data in Multiselect Dropdowns is stored as a comma separated string with carats around each value:
["Option A", "Option B"]

To put this into the Sugar format, here are two sample functions.  In this function, you need to set the source and then replace the source value with the target value.  Put the target value between the two carets, ^.
In older versions of Starfish, data for Multiselect fields must be supplied as text of how it would look in the database.  
<syntaxhighlight lang="vb">
Function ScriptedField
^Option A^,^Option B^
  dim source
  source = ""
  dim res
  If InStr(source,"") Then
    res = res & "^^,"
  End If
  If InStr(source,"") Then
    res = res & "^^,"
  End If
  If InStr(source,"") Then
    res = res & "^^,"
  End If
  If Right(res,1) = "," Then
    res = Left(res,Len(res)-1)
  End If
End Function

In this function, the source and destination values mostly match with a semi-colon between themSo we place carets around the source data and replace the semi-colon with ^,^.  Then we replace any values that do change.
===Email (As in an Account or Contact's Email Address)===
To insert or update an email address, you need to pass JSON into the "email" field.  I recommend doing this as a "Hardcoded" function fieldThe JSON needs to be in this format:
<source lang="vb">
You can pass in the email address from your source with the Insert Variable button.  Then your JSON will look like this:
<source lang="vb">
<source lang="vb">
Function ScriptedField
[{"email_address":"@@ORG:Email Address@@","primary_address":true}]
dim res
res = "^@@ORG:Attendees_Registered_1__c@@^"
res = Replace(res,";","^,^")

If InStr(res,"Jean-Michel") Then
If you are passing in more than one email address or to set the email address' attributes, you need more complicated JSON.  This JSON sets email address, primary address, invalid email, reply to address and opt out settings of each email address supplied.  The json looks like this:
res = Replace(res,"Jean-Michel","JeanMichel")
<source lang="vb">
End If
If InStr(res,"Jean-Nicholas") Then
res = Replace(res,"Jean-Nicholas","JeanNicholas")
End If
If res = "^^" Then
res = ""
End If
End Function

This is a sample VB Script that will parse out multiple email source fields and set the email address and opt out setting of each address.<br>
In order to update an email type field with one or more email addresses, you must pass in JSON.  This JSON sets email address, primary address, reply to address, invalid email and opt out settings of each email address supplied.  Below is a sample VB Script that will parse out source fields and set the email address and opt out setting of each address.  There is also a sample commented out at the top of the script.
Please note that in vbscript, you have to use 2 double quotes to tell VBScript that you actually want 1 double quote in your text valueThis is why you see 2 double quotes next to each other in some places in this script.<br>
Note that as of 7.11, Sugar does not seem to accept an empty string into the email field.  So the below script needs to be updated to return [{"email_address":"","primary_address":true}].
<source lang="vb">
<source lang="vb">
Function ScriptedField
Function ScriptedField
'Sample Result: "[{""email_address"":"""",""primary_address"":true,""reply_to_address"":false}]"
dim res
dim res
res = "["
res = "["
Line 204: Line 575:
res = res & "]"
res = res & "]"
If res = "[{}]" Then
If res = "[{}]" Then
res = ""
res = "[{""email_address"":"""",""primary_address"":true}]"
End If
End If
Line 217: Line 588:
*usr_c of type "relate"
*usr_c of type "relate"
You MUST set the id (36) field in the Starfish map.  Setting the relate type field will do nothing.
You MUST set the id (36) field in the Starfish map.  Setting the relate type field will do nothing.
Even though you can see the "tag" field on a module, Tags are not really a field.  They are a relationship between a module record and a record in the Tags module.  To associate a Tag with another Record, see: [[#Adding a Tag To A Record|Adding a Tag To A Record]]

==Insert Relationships==
==Insert Relationships==
In the Manage Stages dialog box, you can create a Stage for a table called "Relationship".  This Stage should always be an Insert Stage Type.  This stage will then contain 5 fields:
In the Manage Stages dialog box, you can create a Stage for a table called "Relationship".  This Stage should always be an <b>Insert Stage Type</b>.  This stage will then contain 5 fields:
#module - Fill in your one of the module's names here.
#module - Fill in your one of the module's names here.  This is generally the value you see in the URL when viewing a module.  Ex: Notes.
#module_id - The ID of the record that exists in the Module you specified in the Module field.
#module_id - The ID of the record that exists in the Module you specified in the Module field.  If you just inserted or updated this record, you will want to use the Insert Variable button and then a "Stage Value" variable.
#link_name - This is the name of the link that exists between the 2 modules you want to relate.
#link_name - This is the name of the link that exists between the 2 modules you want to relate. You can sometimes find this in the Relationship section of Studio.  Sometimes the names in Studio aren't quite right so you have to look at the vardef code for the module.  <b>In the vardefs.php file, you need the 'name' value.</b>
#remote_id - The ID of the record that you want related to the Module you previously specified.
#remote_id - The ID of the record that you want related to the Module you previously specified.
#fields - This field can be left blank.
#fields - This field can be left blank.
Note that the Module and Link names are not always clear.  You may need to look at the Vardefs of your instance to find the proper names.
Note that the Module and Link names are not always clear.  You may need to look at the Vardefs of your instance to find the proper names.

===Example Inserting a Relationship between Opportunities and Contacts===
===Smart Lookup===
module = Opportunities<br>
When filtering in a smart lookup, the filter must use double-double quotes:
module_id = d3d1fcdc-b72d-11ea-af76-02dfd714a754<br>
link_name = contacts<br>
remote_id = 95d9687a-b269-11ea-8aa1-02fb8f607ac4<br>
===Adding a Tag To A Record===
To add a Tag to a record, you must Insert into the "Relationship" table.  The relationship name between a Module and the Tags module always seems to be "tag_link".  I'm unsure what the relationship name the other direction is, so I always use Tags as my remote_id.  To relate a Tag to a module, the 5 fields will contain:
#module - The module name.  This is generally the value you see in the URL when viewing a module.  Ex: Notes.
#module_id - The ID of the record that exists in the Module you specified in the Module field.  If you just inserted or updated this record, you will want to use the Insert Variable button and then a "Stage Value" variable.
#link_name - This seems to always be "tag_link" when Tags is not the Module specified in #1 of this list, module.
#remote_id - The ID of the Tag you want to associate with your record.
#fields - This can be left blank.
==Smart Lookups==
===Function Window===
To do a smart lookup inside the Function Window, select your return field and lookup module.  Then supply a filter.  Any of the filter examples from the Origin section will work:
<syntaxhighlight lang="c">
A more complex filter using $not_null and $not_equals:
<syntaxhighlight lang="c">
Note that the $not_null operation still requires a blank string.
Checking to see if a field is blank using $is_null:
<syntaxhighlight lang="c">
Grab records modified after a certain date.  This is useful for creating jobs that only look at records modified since the last run date/time of Starfish.
<syntaxhighlight lang="c">
When filtering in a smart lookup in a VBScript function, the filter must use double-double quotes so the script doesn't think you are ending or starting a string:

<syntaxhighlight lang="vb">
<syntaxhighlight lang="vb">
Line 240: Line 652:

===Email Address ID Lookup===
I'm unsure if these are bugs in the Sugar REST API or the Starfish Connector.
In v7.11 of Sugar, the emails module was upgraded to the sidecar framework.  Within this framework, you often need to find the ID of an Email Address.  This is NOT the same as the ID of a Lead, Contact, etc with that Email Address.  Every email address has a single unique Email Address ID even if the email address is shared across multiple people records.  To retrieve this unique Email Address ID, use a smart lookup.
*SmartLookups and Origin Filters against the User Module fail.
<syntaxhighlight lang="vb">
id = SmartLookup("EmailAddresses","id","")
===Retrieve Records Related To Parent Record===
This makes use of a special way of calling the SmartLookup function. You use “relationships” as the tablename and then pass 3 comma-separated parameters to the criteria.  For example: "Accounts,@@ORG:id@@,contacts". The format is ModuleName,Module ID,RelationshipName. It will return either a blank string if there are no related records or a comma-separated list of ids – in this case Contact IDs.
<syntaxhighlight lang="vb">
res= SmartLookup("relationships","id","Accounts,@@ORG:id@@,contacts")
Very often when using this code I find myself wanting to query the ORIGIN, not the default DESTINATION.  To do this, use the optional parameters:
<syntaxhighlight lang="vb">
res = SmartLookup("relationships","id","TAI_Contracts,@@ORG:tai_contracts_o1_operationstai_contracts_ida@@,tai_contracts_accounts",False,"","ORIGIN")
Once you have a comma-separated list of ids, you would probably want to split the list into an array and repeats calling the stage for each item within the array.
===Retrieve value of Destination to determine if we should overwrite it===
<syntaxhighlight lang="vb">
Function ScriptedField
dim destVal
destVal = SmartLookup("Accounts","production_rate_c","[{""id"":""@@ORG:account_id@@""}]")
'LogMessage destVal
dim res
if destVal <> "" Then
res = ""
        'We might want to skip this update if the destination already has a value.
res = "@@ORG:production_rate_c@@"
End If
End Function
===Querying Multiple Values with SmartQueryDT===
Sometimes you need multiple values from your destination. Rather than querying each value as a separate SmartLookup, you can query for all of the fields at once and store them in a DataTable using SmartQueryDT.
I wanted to query for all of the values in a Before Operation and then use them in various field mappings.
First, I declared my DataTable object in .NET Global
<source lang="csharp">
System.Data.DataTable dtAccounts;
In my Before Operation, I made sure to clear out any existing values in the DataTable first, in case of a row with no results. Then, I queried Sugar for the values I needed to store in the DataTable.
<source lang="csharp">
dtAccounts = new System.Data.DataTable();
dtAccounts = Starfish.SmartQueryDT("Accounts","[{\"id\":\""+acctID+"\"}]","primary_business_buckets_c,fleet_size_c,num_of_employees_c,types_of_activities_prod_cat_c,types_of_activ_buckets_c,past_attendee_c");
Finally, I noted the index of each field, and used the index to access the appropriate value where I needed it in scripted field mappings. The example below would return the value for the fleet_size_c field.
<source lang="csharp">
if (dtAccounts.Rows.Count>0)
existing = dtAccounts.Rows[0][1].ToString();
==Smart Query using Custom Endpoint==
If you need to query a custom endpoint in your Sugar REST Origin or Destination, you MUST use C# and the SmartQueryDT function.  Note that to use the SmartQueryDT function, you must add the following to the .NET Global External Assemblies: "System.dll,System.Xml.dll,System.Data.dll".
I've found that using the SmartQueryDT function with our custom SelectSQL endpoint will only work in before or after row operations.  It doesn't seem to work on before or after stage operations.  My guess is that the connection is "busy" between stages and is not "busy" between rows.
<syntaxhighlight lang="csharp">
object ScriptedField()
string res = "";
    //This code will search for all Sugar Contacts that are associated with a specific email address.
    System.Data.DataTable dtContacts = Starfish.SmartQueryDT("System/SelectSQL","select bean_id from email_addresses ea inner join email_addr_bean_rel eabr on = eabr.email_address_id and eabr.deleted <> 1 and eabr.bean_module = 'Contacts' where ea.deleted <> 1 and ea.email_address = '"+Starfish.OriginData["EMAIL1"]+"';","bean_id");
    //If we're assuming that there is only 1 record returned or if we only care about the first returned record, we can grab that value with DataTable.Rows[0][0]
    //Check to make sure there is at least one record in the DataTable so .Rows doesn't error.
if (dtContacts.Rows.Count>0)
res = dtContacts.Rows[0][0].ToString();
    //If we are expecting many records, we can loop through them.
    foreach (System.Data.DataRow row in dtContacts.Rows)
        //Create a comma separated list of ContactIDs.
        strContacts = strContacts + row[0].ToString() + ',';
    //Remove the excess comma at the end.
    strContacts = strContacts.Substring(0,strContacts.Length-1);
return res;
*When connecting to the SugarCRM REST API with StarfishETL, it returns the error: "Invalid StatusCode 422".
**This is generally a result of not having registered the "starfish" platform with Sugar.  See
*SmartLookups and Origin Filters against the User Module fail. In fact, every time I read the Users module as an Origin using the Sugar REST Connector, I run into issue.  I never do this.  I use SOAP or a custom SelectSQL end point where I can write my own SQL code against the user table(s).  It's possible that the REST API will only return Active users.
**Workaround: Try the SOAP API.
*Cannot authenticate with the REST API if the username has a period, ".", in it.
*Cannot authenticate with the REST API if the username has a period, ".", in it.
**Workaround: Use a username without a period.
**Workaround: Use a username without a period.
*Error: Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReaderException: Error reading JArray from JsonReader. Path '', line 0, position 0.
**I got this when I was attempting to write a blank, "", value into the email field.  To get around this issue, I checked the box in Manage Stages to ignore black field writes.  You could also write in the proper "empty" json for an email field.
*SmartLookup Error 4: System.Exception: E5: {"error":"no_method","error_message":"Could not find a route with 1 elements"}Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices...
**I get this error when I perform a SmartLookup against a module that does not exist.
*SmartLookup Error 4: System.Exception: Unauthorized at Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices.Symbols.Container.InvokeMethod(Method TargetProcedure, Object[] Arguments, Boolean[]....
**I got this error when I forgot to point my SmartLookup at my Origin instead of the Destination.
*Error reading JArray from JsonReader. Path '', line 0, position 0.
**I get this when I try to write a blank email address instead of the correct JSON.

=Sugar Specific Code/Information=
=Sugar Specific Code/Information=
Line 271: Line 792:
truncate emails_text;
truncate emails_text;
truncate emails_beans;
truncate emails_beans;
truncate email_addr_bean_rel where bean_module <> 'Users';
delete from email_addr_bean_rel where bean_module <> 'Users';
truncate email_addresses where id in (select email_address_id from email_addr_bean_rel where bean_module <> 'Users');
delete from email_addresses where id in (select email_address_id from email_addr_bean_rel where bean_module <> 'Users');
truncate meetings;
truncate meetings;
truncate meetings_contacts;
truncate meetings_contacts;

Latest revision as of 20:58, 14 June 2024

As of the Winter '18 release of Sugar, you must enable the "starfish" platform in your instance of Sugar or Starfish will not be able to connect to your instance.
Note that older versions of Starfish use the "api" platform instead of the "starfish" platform. If Starfish still won't connect for you, try adding the "api" platform in addition to the "starfish" platform.

SugarCRM REST Origin

Use JSONLint to validate JSON:

Sample Origin Filters

See the GET /<module> filterList in the SugarCRM REST Help: https://SERVER/rest/v10/help/

Note the [{...}] surrounding the filter. This is required.


Using and:


A more complex filter using $not_null and $not_equals:


Filters using ands and ors:


Note that the $not_null operation still requires a blank string.

Checking to see if a field is blank using $is_null:


Grab records modified after a certain date. This is useful for creating jobs that only look at records modified since the last run date/time of Starfish.


Note that this date MUST be formatted correctly, just like the DateTime field found below: res = FormatDate(GetSetting("AccountDownloadLastDT"), "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss")

When filtering on a checkbox, you need to use 1 or 0. This example works on the Teams module.


The REST API does have an IN clause:


The REST API also has a CONTAINS clause:


Filtering on the email 'field' only queries the primary email address. To filter for an email address in all of a contact's email addresses, use email_addresses.email_address as the field name.


Using a Custom SugarCRM REST API Endpoint

Version 3.9.x of StarfishETL can talk to a custom SugarCRM REST API EndPoint in the "Origin" tab of a map. (You can update your version of StarfishETL through the "Check for Updates" link under the main menu of the StarfishETL Admin program that you see when you click the StarfishETL icon in upper-left of screen... you may also be prompted to update the "Updater" program in StarfishETL).

The Sugar CRM Instance URL on the "Origin" tab would still remain with the "/rest/v10" syntax:


Be explicit in the "Fields:" area, typing in the names of fields to match those returned by your custom endpoint. For example:


Do separate field names with a comma, but omit any spaces!

In the "Module:" area, type in the location where your custom REST API endpoint has been deployed. For Example:


with "System" being the module folder within the custom folder of SugarCRM and "SelectSQL" being the name of the custom endpoint PHP file (our having deployed it like this pattern):


In the "Filter:" area, type in the the value(s) that your custom endpoint requires. For example:

select id,name,kbdocument_id from kbcontents where name like 'How%' order by name DESC;

For our example, the custom endpoint takes in an entire SQL SELECT query and returns a JSON object containing several items ("next offset" field, an array called "args", and the array of records, or rows, returned by the SQL query, with columns matching the fields defined in the "Fields:" area):

  "next_offset": -1,
  "args": {
    "__sugar_url": "v10/System/SelectSQL",
    "filter": "select id,name,kbdocument_id from kbcontents where name like 'How%' order by name  DESC;"
  "records": [
      "id": "6126e52f-b3f0-b375-e442-570754d5ed9c",
      "name": "How to print",
      "kbdocument_id": "614f444d-52a0-75b4-b959-5707545d1400"
      "id": "bd2fb1d9-23a1-4be7-3ee5-570754a89fbe",
      "name": "How to change the language",
      "kbdocument_id": "bd50a571-6d00-7207-fa30-57075416fac7"

In the screen-shot shown above, you can see the two returned results shown in the "Data Preview" table area after having clicked the "refresh/run" (circular arrow) icon.

SugarCRM REST Module Endpoint Sorting

You can sort results from regular Module REST API endpoints by placing the "order_by=' phrase in the "Fields:" box such as "order_by=name:ASC". There should be a space between the last field name and the "order_by". Please note the underscore character between the words "order" and "by", as well as the colon character after the field name and before the "ASC" or "DESC" sort directive at the end.

Descending sequence:

If you want to also use that box to restrict fields you can do this:

id,name order_by=name:ASC

Retrieve Deleted Records

You can use the "SugarCRM REST" Connector to retrieve deleted record by appending ";true" to the end of the "Sugar CRM Instance URL:" field's value and Filter for deleted records, [{"deleted":"1"}]:

You can also filter for recently deleted records by filtering on the date_modified. See example in

Using the Upsert PATCH endpoint

Using the newer upsert PATCH endpoint,, in StarfishETL is fairly simple:

  1. On your Destination, choose Batch mode.
  2. Create ONE single Update/Insert Stage pointing to the module you want to Upsert.
    1. This type of Job only supports one, single stage. You CANNOT for example, update your Origin based on the results or perform any other subsequent actions based on your Upserts. You will need to query the destination table with a subsequent Job that will do any processing or xref creation that you need.
    2. Please note that this only works with Update/Insert stages. Per the documentation: "If a record can be found with sync_key_field_name, then update. If the record does not exist, then create it."
  3. Match on the sync_key field and only the sync_key field.
    1. Per the Sugar documentation, we should be able to update the Starfish connector to match on any field. As of April 3rd, 2024, this functionality has not been implemented. We have a feature request open to add matching on any field.
    2. If multiple match fields are chosen, the job will not work correctly.

Note that this does not work with some modules such as Emails or the custom "Relationships" table that Starfish uses to create relationships between two records.



Insert Note Attachment


First, you need an Insert Stage into the TempFile table. This should insert the file in Binary form as described below. Then, on the Insert and/or Update Note stage, pass JSON into the attachments JSON field on the Note. The JSON must be formatted in a specific way and multiple attachments can be added to a single note. I use the following code for one attachment.

object ScriptedField()
	//return json attachments here (from flow control)
	string fileName = ConvertObj2String(Starfish.OriginData["FILENAME"]);
	//If the first stage failed, then we won't get this far.  So I don't need to check to make sure we have an attachment ID.
	string fileID = ConvertObj2String(Starfish.GetStageValue(0,"#ID"));

	string attachment = @"{""create"":[{
		""deleted"": false,
		""portal_flag"": true,
		""embed_flag"": false,
		""entry_source"": ""internal"",
		""attachment_flag"": true,
		""sync_key"": null
	//Starfish.LogMessage("ATTACHMENTS STRING: " + attachment);
	return attachment;

If you need to insert and create the JSON for multiple files, you can use this code:

	    if (CurrentStageName == "Insert TempFile") {
	    var fileName = attachmentURLs[ui];
    	fileName = fileName.replace("","");
    	fileName = fileName.replace(/%2F/g,"-");
    	var re = /(([A-z0-9._-]+)[.]\w+)/g;
    	fileName = fileName.match(re);
	    var attachment = {
	        //"file_mime_type": "application/pdf",
            //"file_ext": "pdf",
            "deleted": false,
            "portal_flag": true,
            "embed_flag": false,
            "entry_source": "internal",
            "attachment_flag": false,
            "sync_key": null
	    if (ui < attachmentURLs.length-1) {
	        Starfish.GotoStage("Insert TempFile");
	    } else {
		    Starfish.GotoStage("Upsert Attachment Note");

If you need to download the file from somewhere and convert it in code for the TempFile table, use this code:

object ScriptedField()
//  Example URL:
//	var url = "";
	var url = Starfish.GetSetting("attachmentURL");
	url = url.Replace("&amp;","&");
	//var s = Convert.ToBase64String(new System.Net.WebClient().DownloadData(url)); 
	//return new System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(s);
	System.Net.ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol = System.Net.SecurityProtocolType.Tls12;
	return new System.Net.WebClient().DownloadData(url);


As of Q1 2021, with the release of Sugar v10.3, Attachments have changed again. In v10.3 a Note can contain multiple attachments. To accomplish this, "Child Notes" are created for each attachment and then related to a "Parent Attachment". The "Parent Attachment" then contains multiple attachments. To insert attachments in this way, first update your Sugar REST Connector to use the URL: "https://sugarurl/rest/v11_11". Then insert each attachment as a Note making sure to set:

  • name = file name
  • filename = file name
  • attachment_flag = 1
  • attachment (byte[] type field) = Binary of the file

While doing this, create a json array of the Note IDs you are inserting.

Next, insert the "Parent Note" and set:

  • attachment_flag = 0
  • attachment_list = JSON array of "Child Note" IDs you just inserted
    • Example: [{"id":"@@STG:0,#ID@@"}]


As of early 2020, the process to insert an Attachment has changed. First, you need an Insert Stage into the TempFile table. This should insert the file in Binary form as described below. Then, on the Insert (or Update etc) Note stage, feed the Guid (Stage ID) from the TempFile stage into the filename_guid field. Do not populate the attachment field.


In Sugar, Attachments are stored as Notes. To attach a file to a Note, simply run an Insert, Update or Update/Insert Stage against the Notes module. There will be a field call "attachment". Map it as a function and select the Format Conversion Tab in the Function Field window. Fill in your Conversion Source where the file can be found. EX: C:\Temp\CRM\upload\@@ORG:id@@. Then select the "File -to- Binary" Conversion Operation. You will also need to fill in the filename in the filename field. You can also use a C# script to work with files. See Download File scripting examples.

Download Note Attachment

v10.2 and lower

To download a Note's Attached file via the REST API, you must pass a GET request to: baseUrl + "/Notes/" + noteId + "/file/filename". The response is a binary file. Luckily, Starfish does all of the work for you. When Starfish reads a Note record, Starfish checks to see if the Note has a populated filename. If it does, the file is presented in binary format in the 'attachment' column.


I think this method stopped working in v12.2. It may not work in v12.1. It seems to work in v12.0. In v10.3, if a Note has one or more attachments, the "child" note IDs will be listed in the "parent" note's attachment_list field. You need to parse this list of IDs and then, for each ID, call a Lookup to get the attachment data.

You can get an array of the IDs in a Pre-Process:

void CSharpProcedure()
    //Reset the Global C# Variables
    //Look at the C# global variables for the delarations.
    attachmentIndex = 0;
    attachmentNumber = 0;
    //Starfish.ParseJson is a function built into Starfish.  It will remember the JSON from row to row until the Job finishes, so we must clear it before we start a new row.
    int len;
    //Use built in Starfish code to parse the JSON.  Remember that this Starfish will remember this JSON until we clear it, so we can use it later in this Job.
	//Use built in Starfish code to get the length of the JSON array.
	attachmentNumber = Starfish.JSONArrayCount();
	if (attachmentNumber == 0)
	    //The origin query for both the "with attachments" and "without attachments" jobs are the same.  Here, we check to see if there are attachments.  If there are, we proceed.  If there are not, we skip this row.

Once you have the IDs, you can loop over them and get the data with a lookup.

object ScriptedField()
    string result;
    result = "";
	object att;
	att = Starfish.SmartLookup("Notes","attachment","[{\"id\":\"" + Starfish.GetJSON(attachmentIndex,"id") + "\"}]",false,"","ORIGIN");
	if (att == null) {
        //result = "object is null";
    } else {
        result = Convert.ToBase64String((byte[])att);

	return result;


Note that in using v12.2 I have found that sometimes, Note Attachments are created with the older v10.3-v12.1 process. As such, I have had to code for both options and check which Note type I am dealing with and then use the correct process to download the Note.

This process is very similar to the v10.3-v12.1 process. They replaced the "ATTACHMENT_LIST" field with the "ATTACHMENTS" field. I left the old ParseJson function commented out below so you can compare.
YOU MUST PUT "attachments" in the "Fields" field on the Sugar Origin. You must also be using v11_14 or higher of the API. To set your version, put the full path to the version in your Connection's URL. Example: ""

For this function to work, be sure to declare attachmentIndex and attachmentNumber as ints in your "C# Global".

void CSharpProcedure()
    //Reset the Global C# Variables
    //Look at the C# global variables for the delarations.
    attachmentIndex = 0;
    attachmentNumber = 0;
    //Starfish.ParseJson is a function built into Starfish.  It will remember the JSON from row to row until the Job finishes, so we must clear it before we start a new row.
    int len;
    //Use built in Starfish code to parse the JSON.  Remember that this Starfish will remember this JSON until we clear it, so we can use it later in this Job.
	//Use built in Starfish code to get the length of the JSON array.
	attachmentNumber = Starfish.JSONArrayCount();
	if (attachmentNumber == 0)
	    //The origin query for both the "with attachments" and "without attachments" jobs are the same.  Here, we check to see if there are attachments.  If there are, we proceed.  If there are not, we skip this row.

Once you have the IDs, you can loop over them and get the data with a lookup.

object ScriptedField()
    string result;
    result = "";
	object att;
	//att = Starfish.SmartLookup("Notes","attachment","[{\"id\":\"" + Starfish.GetJSON(attachmentIndex,"id") + "\"}]",false,"","ORIGIN");
	//For v11_14+ API:
	att = Starfish.GetJSON(attachmentIndex,"data");
	if (att == null) {
        //result = "object is null";
    } else {
        result = Convert.ToBase64String((byte[])att);

	return result;


Insert Document Attachment

Starfish cannot currently do this. If you need this capability, please email

Download Document Attachment

To download a Document's attached file via the REST API, you must pass a GET request to: baseUrl + "/Documents/" + documentId + "/file/filename". The response is a binary file. Luckily, Starfish does all of the work for you. When Starfish reads a Document record, Starfish checks to see if the Document has a populated filename. If it does, the file is presented in binary format in the 'attachment' column.

Emails (As in records in the Emails module.)

Email To/From/CC

The "to", "from", and "cc" fields for the Emails module are rather unique and require you to pass in JSON.

Here are some samples of what is allowed:

{"create": [{"email_address":"","email_address_id":"4dd0f6e8-6832-11e8-942e-069081b836be"}]}

{"create": [{"email_address_id":"4dd0f6e8-6832-11e8-942e-069081b836be"}]}

{"create": [{"parent_type":"Contacts","parent_id":"b5935fc4-e11c-0299-6ca0-50e7ae7c8be5"}]}

//This is the full result for multiple email addresses found by monitoring Sugar REST Calls.  This could be pared down to remove some of the items as was done for the above examples.
{"create": [{ "_link": "to", "email_address": "", "deleted": false, "email_address_id": "8ee65e0e-1e65-11e9-ac42-02ae981fbade", "invalid_email": false, "opt_out": false }, { "_link": "to", "email_address": "", "deleted": false, "email_address_id": "92d9d48c-1e65-11e9-9a9d-02ae981fbade", "invalid_email": false, "opt_out": false }, { "_link": "to", "email_address": "", "deleted": false, "email_address_id": "955421c2-1e65-11e9-aacb-02ae981fbade", "invalid_email": false, "opt_out": false }]}

These were found by monitoring Sugar via Chome Dev Tools and via trial and error.

Take a look at this function in the C# Scripting examples to see how to find all email addresses in a string and get the proper JSON for Sugar's REST API.

Email Attachments

As of Sugar v8.0, you can NOT Update the attachments field.' Email Attachments must be inserted into the Email Module's "attachments" json type field. The expected format is:


If you want to insert multiple attachments to an Email, you must pass them in all at once. This sample code may help:

object ScriptedField()
	int i = 0;
	var res = "{\"create\":[";
	foreach (string s in arrTempFile)
		res = res + "{\"_link\":\"attachments\",\"filename_guid\":\""+ s +"\",\"name\":\""+ arrFileName[i] +"\",\"filename\":\""+ arrFileName[i] +"\"},";
	res = res.Substring(0, res.Length-1);
	res = res + "]}";
	return res;

Field Types

Assigned User

To assign a user to a record, you can normally pass in the user's ID to the assigned_user_id field. EX:


This only works for standard users. If you want to assign a record to a Group User, you must pass in the user's ID to the assigned_user_id field AND populate the assigned_user_name field with some JSON:


Assigning Teams

On the team_name field you want to supply a bit of JSON with examples below. It should be noted with this method whatever you supply will completely replace the team values, as opposed append to them like in previous versions. You can use a hardcoded field value or return the value from a scripted field but the result needs to look like this:

One Team (will automatically become primary):

[{ "id": "17b6bc3e-38a3-db70-6490-50ed7c3a4d87" }]

Multiple Teams:

[{"id": "17b6bc3e-38a3-db70-6490-50ed7c3a4d87", "primary": true}, {"id": "191cd916-e650-f0e2-4776-50d070d6493e"}]

Note that if you are building this JSON in a VBScript, you need to use double double quotes for a single double quote. See this script I used while reading from a Sugar database using the SQL Server connector.

Function ScriptedField
	'[{"id": "17b6bc3e-38a3-db70-6490-50ed7c3a4d87", "primary": true}, {"id": "191cd916-e650-f0e2-4776-50d070d6493e"}]
	dim arr, i, res
	arr = SmartQuery("team_sets_teams","deleted = 0 and team_set_id = '@@ORG:team_set_id@@' and team_id <> '@@ORG:team_id@@'","team_id","ORIGIN")
	res = "[{""id"": ""@@ORG:team_id@@"", ""primary"": true}"
	for i = 0 to UBound(arr) 
		res = res & ", {""id"": """ & arr(i,0) & """}"
	res = res & "]"
End Function


When mapping to a checkbox, I've seen different versions require different things. In some cases, you can use a hard coded true. In other cases, you can use a hard coded 1. In the last type, I've had to use a Scripted Value to set the value to "true" or "false", making sure to use all lowercase and not use double quotes.

Function ScriptedField
End Function

In Sugar 7.8+ I had to supply a 1 or 0:

Function ScriptedField
	If "@@ORG:is_admin@@"=True Then
	End If
End Function


As of early 2017, due to a Sugar bug,, when importing data into a Currency field, you need to set the currency_id and/or currency_id_c field to -99.

Date Fields

object ScriptedField()
    string strDte = ConvertObj2String(Starfish.OriginData["DUEDATE"]);
    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(strDte))
        strDte = Convert.ToDateTime(strDte).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
    return strDte;

Datetime Fields

Please note that this script uses a ConvertObj2String Global function.

object ScriptedField()
    string strDte = "";
    if (Starfish.OriginData["SYSTEM.CHANGEDDATE"] != null)
        DateTime dte = Convert.ToDateTime(ConvertObj2String(Starfish.OriginData["SYSTEM.CHANGEDDATE"]));
        strDte = dte.ToString("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss");
    return strDte;


This is the function I use to convert source data to Sugar Dropdown DB values.

Function ScriptedField
	dim source 
	source = "@@ORG:Type@@"
	dim res
	If source = "Research" Then
		res = "Research_Site"
	ElseIf source = "Goverment" Then
		res = "Government_Academia"
		res = source
	End If
End Function

Multi-select Dropdowns

As of at least v12.3, if you are using the PATCH bulk endpoint SugarCRM_REST#Using_the_Upsert_PATCH_endpoint, you must supply the database values:

^Option A^,^Option B^

In newer versions of Starfish, data for Multiselect fields must be supplied as a JSON Array of strings.

["Option A", "Option B"]

In older versions of Starfish, data for Multiselect fields must be supplied as text of how it would look in the database.

^Option A^,^Option B^

Email (As in an Account or Contact's Email Address)

To insert or update an email address, you need to pass JSON into the "email" field. I recommend doing this as a "Hardcoded" function field. The JSON needs to be in this format:


You can pass in the email address from your source with the Insert Variable button. Then your JSON will look like this:

[{"email_address":"@@ORG:Email Address@@","primary_address":true}]

If you are passing in more than one email address or to set the email address' attributes, you need more complicated JSON. This JSON sets email address, primary address, invalid email, reply to address and opt out settings of each email address supplied. The json looks like this:


This is a sample VB Script that will parse out multiple email source fields and set the email address and opt out setting of each address.
Please note that in vbscript, you have to use 2 double quotes to tell VBScript that you actually want 1 double quote in your text value. This is why you see 2 double quotes next to each other in some places in this script.
Note that as of 7.11, Sugar does not seem to accept an empty string into the email field. So the below script needs to be updated to return [{"email_address":"","primary_address":true}].

Function ScriptedField
	dim res
	res = "["
	If "@@ORG:Email@@" <> "" Then
		res = res & "{""email_address"":""@@ORG:Email@@"",""primary_address"":true,""opt_out"":@@ORG:HasOptedOutOfEmail@@},"
	End If
	If "@@ORG:Alternate_Email_1__c@@" <> "" Then
		res = res & "{""email_address"": ""@@ORG:Alternate_Email_1__c@@"",""primary_address"": false,""opt_out"": @@ORG:HasOptedOutOfEmail@@},"
	End If
	If "@@ORG:Alternate_Email_2__c@@" <> "" Then
		res = res & "{""email_address"":""@@ORG:Alternate_Email_2__c@@"",""primary_address"":false,""opt_out"":@@ORG:HasOptedOutOfEmail@@},"
	End If
	If Right(res,1) = "," Then
		res = Left(res,Len(res)-1)
	End If

	res = res & "]"
	If res = "[{}]" Then
		res = "[{""email_address"":"""",""primary_address"":true}]"
	End If
End Function

Relate Fields

When you create a Relate field in Sugar, not a field created by adding a Relationship, two fields are created for the API: fieldname_c relate type and an id (36) type field which is the name of the related to module followed by _id_c. If you add multiple relate fields for a single module, then you will get multiple numbered id (36) fields.

For example, if you add a Relate field to the User module called "usr_c", you will see 2 fields in Starfish:

  • user_id_c of type "id (36)"
  • usr_c of type "relate"

You MUST set the id (36) field in the Starfish map. Setting the relate type field will do nothing.


Even though you can see the "tag" field on a module, Tags are not really a field. They are a relationship between a module record and a record in the Tags module. To associate a Tag with another Record, see: Adding a Tag To A Record

Insert Relationships

In the Manage Stages dialog box, you can create a Stage for a table called "Relationship". This Stage should always be an Insert Stage Type. This stage will then contain 5 fields:

  1. module - Fill in your one of the module's names here. This is generally the value you see in the URL when viewing a module. Ex: Notes.
  2. module_id - The ID of the record that exists in the Module you specified in the Module field. If you just inserted or updated this record, you will want to use the Insert Variable button and then a "Stage Value" variable.
  3. link_name - This is the name of the link that exists between the 2 modules you want to relate. You can sometimes find this in the Relationship section of Studio. Sometimes the names in Studio aren't quite right so you have to look at the vardef code for the module. In the vardefs.php file, you need the 'name' value.
  4. remote_id - The ID of the record that you want related to the Module you previously specified.
  5. fields - This field can be left blank.

Note that the Module and Link names are not always clear. You may need to look at the Vardefs of your instance to find the proper names.

Example Inserting a Relationship between Opportunities and Contacts

module = Opportunities
module_id = d3d1fcdc-b72d-11ea-af76-02dfd714a754
link_name = contacts
remote_id = 95d9687a-b269-11ea-8aa1-02fb8f607ac4

Adding a Tag To A Record

To add a Tag to a record, you must Insert into the "Relationship" table. The relationship name between a Module and the Tags module always seems to be "tag_link". I'm unsure what the relationship name the other direction is, so I always use Tags as my remote_id. To relate a Tag to a module, the 5 fields will contain:

  1. module - The module name. This is generally the value you see in the URL when viewing a module. Ex: Notes.
  2. module_id - The ID of the record that exists in the Module you specified in the Module field. If you just inserted or updated this record, you will want to use the Insert Variable button and then a "Stage Value" variable.
  3. link_name - This seems to always be "tag_link" when Tags is not the Module specified in #1 of this list, module.
  4. remote_id - The ID of the Tag you want to associate with your record.
  5. fields - This can be left blank.

Smart Lookups

Function Window

To do a smart lookup inside the Function Window, select your return field and lookup module. Then supply a filter. Any of the filter examples from the Origin section will work:


A more complex filter using $not_null and $not_equals:


Note that the $not_null operation still requires a blank string.

Checking to see if a field is blank using $is_null:


Grab records modified after a certain date. This is useful for creating jobs that only look at records modified since the last run date/time of Starfish.



When filtering in a smart lookup in a VBScript function, the filter must use double-double quotes so the script doesn't think you are ending or starting a string:

strSugarID = SmartLookup("Accounts","id","[{""import_source_id"":""84b1c05c-1043-05c8-ced8-53a2ed18427b""}]")

A more complex filter:

res = SmartLookup("Users", "id", "[{""$and"":[{""last_name"":""@@ORG:IENSalesRep_Last@@""},{""first_name"":""@@ORG:IENSalesRep_First@@""}]}]")

Email Address ID Lookup

In v7.11 of Sugar, the emails module was upgraded to the sidecar framework. Within this framework, you often need to find the ID of an Email Address. This is NOT the same as the ID of a Lead, Contact, etc with that Email Address. Every email address has a single unique Email Address ID even if the email address is shared across multiple people records. To retrieve this unique Email Address ID, use a smart lookup.

id = SmartLookup("EmailAddresses","id","")

Retrieve Records Related To Parent Record

This makes use of a special way of calling the SmartLookup function. You use “relationships” as the tablename and then pass 3 comma-separated parameters to the criteria. For example: "Accounts,@@ORG:id@@,contacts". The format is ModuleName,Module ID,RelationshipName. It will return either a blank string if there are no related records or a comma-separated list of ids – in this case Contact IDs.

res= SmartLookup("relationships","id","Accounts,@@ORG:id@@,contacts")

Very often when using this code I find myself wanting to query the ORIGIN, not the default DESTINATION. To do this, use the optional parameters:

res = SmartLookup("relationships","id","TAI_Contracts,@@ORG:tai_contracts_o1_operationstai_contracts_ida@@,tai_contracts_accounts",False,"","ORIGIN")

Once you have a comma-separated list of ids, you would probably want to split the list into an array and repeats calling the stage for each item within the array.

Retrieve value of Destination to determine if we should overwrite it

Function ScriptedField
	dim destVal
	destVal = SmartLookup("Accounts","production_rate_c","[{""id"":""@@ORG:account_id@@""}]")
	'LogMessage destVal
	dim res
	if destVal <> "" Then
		res = ""
        'We might want to skip this update if the destination already has a value.
		res = "@@ORG:production_rate_c@@"
	End If
End Function

Querying Multiple Values with SmartQueryDT

Sometimes you need multiple values from your destination. Rather than querying each value as a separate SmartLookup, you can query for all of the fields at once and store them in a DataTable using SmartQueryDT.

I wanted to query for all of the values in a Before Operation and then use them in various field mappings.

First, I declared my DataTable object in .NET Global

System.Data.DataTable dtAccounts;

In my Before Operation, I made sure to clear out any existing values in the DataTable first, in case of a row with no results. Then, I queried Sugar for the values I needed to store in the DataTable.

dtAccounts = new System.Data.DataTable();
dtAccounts = Starfish.SmartQueryDT("Accounts","[{\"id\":\""+acctID+"\"}]","primary_business_buckets_c,fleet_size_c,num_of_employees_c,types_of_activities_prod_cat_c,types_of_activ_buckets_c,past_attendee_c");

Finally, I noted the index of each field, and used the index to access the appropriate value where I needed it in scripted field mappings. The example below would return the value for the fleet_size_c field.

if (dtAccounts.Rows.Count>0) 
			existing = dtAccounts.Rows[0][1].ToString();

Smart Query using Custom Endpoint

If you need to query a custom endpoint in your Sugar REST Origin or Destination, you MUST use C# and the SmartQueryDT function. Note that to use the SmartQueryDT function, you must add the following to the .NET Global External Assemblies: "System.dll,System.Xml.dll,System.Data.dll".

I've found that using the SmartQueryDT function with our custom SelectSQL endpoint will only work in before or after row operations. It doesn't seem to work on before or after stage operations. My guess is that the connection is "busy" between stages and is not "busy" between rows.

object ScriptedField()
	string res = "";
    //This code will search for all Sugar Contacts that are associated with a specific email address.
    System.Data.DataTable dtContacts = Starfish.SmartQueryDT("System/SelectSQL","select bean_id from email_addresses ea inner join email_addr_bean_rel eabr on = eabr.email_address_id and eabr.deleted <> 1 and eabr.bean_module = 'Contacts' where ea.deleted <> 1 and ea.email_address = '"+Starfish.OriginData["EMAIL1"]+"';","bean_id");
    //If we're assuming that there is only 1 record returned or if we only care about the first returned record, we can grab that value with DataTable.Rows[0][0] 
    //Check to make sure there is at least one record in the DataTable so .Rows doesn't error.
	if (dtContacts.Rows.Count>0) 
		res = dtContacts.Rows[0][0].ToString();
    //If we are expecting many records, we can loop through them.
    foreach (System.Data.DataRow row in dtContacts.Rows)
        //Create a comma separated list of ContactIDs.
        strContacts = strContacts + row[0].ToString() + ',';
    //Remove the excess comma at the end.
    strContacts = strContacts.Substring(0,strContacts.Length-1);
	return res;


  • SmartLookups and Origin Filters against the User Module fail. In fact, every time I read the Users module as an Origin using the Sugar REST Connector, I run into issue. I never do this. I use SOAP or a custom SelectSQL end point where I can write my own SQL code against the user table(s). It's possible that the REST API will only return Active users.
    • Workaround: Try the SOAP API.
  • Cannot authenticate with the REST API if the username has a period, ".", in it.
    • Workaround: Use a username without a period.
  • Error: Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReaderException: Error reading JArray from JsonReader. Path , line 0, position 0.
    • I got this when I was attempting to write a blank, "", value into the email field. To get around this issue, I checked the box in Manage Stages to ignore black field writes. You could also write in the proper "empty" json for an email field.
  • SmartLookup Error 4: System.Exception: E5: {"error":"no_method","error_message":"Could not find a route with 1 elements"}Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices...
    • I get this error when I perform a SmartLookup against a module that does not exist.
  • SmartLookup Error 4: System.Exception: Unauthorized at Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices.Symbols.Container.InvokeMethod(Method TargetProcedure, Object[] Arguments, Boolean[]....
    • I got this error when I forgot to point my SmartLookup at my Origin instead of the Destination.
  • Error reading JArray from JsonReader. Path , line 0, position 0.
    • I get this when I try to write a blank email address instead of the correct JSON.

Sugar Specific Code/Information

SQL Statements to Purge Test Data From Sugar

Don't forget to add statements for any custom modules you may have or OOTB modules you are using but are not listed below.

truncate accounts;
truncate accounts_audit;
truncate accounts_contacts;
truncate accounts_cstm;
truncate accounts_opportunities;
truncate contacts;
truncate contacts_audit;
truncate contacts_cstm;
truncate contacts_users;

truncate activities;
truncate activities_users;
truncate subscriptions;
truncate sugarfeed;

truncate calls;
truncate calls_contacts;
truncate calls_users;
truncate emails;
truncate emails_text;
truncate emails_beans;
delete from email_addr_bean_rel where bean_module <> 'Users';
delete from email_addresses where id in (select email_address_id from email_addr_bean_rel where bean_module <> 'Users');
truncate meetings;
truncate meetings_contacts;
truncate meetings_leads;
truncate meetings_users;
truncate notes;
truncate notes_cstm;
truncate outbound_email;
truncate tasks;

truncate cases;
truncate cases_audit;
truncate bugs;
truncate bugs_cstm;

truncate job_queue;

truncate opportunities;
truncate opportunities_contacts;
truncate opportunities_cstm;
truncate opportunities_audit;
truncate revenue_line_items;
truncate revenue_line_items_audit;
truncate revenue_line_items_cstm;
truncate quotes;
truncate product_templates;
truncate product_templates_audit;
truncate product_templates_cstm;
truncate contracts;
truncate contracts_cstm;
truncate products;

truncate leads;
truncate leads_audit;
truncate leads_cstm;
truncate prospects;
truncate prospects_cstm;
truncate prospect_list_campaigns;
truncate prospect_lists;
truncate prospect_lists_prospects;

truncate documents;
truncate campaigns;
truncate project;
truncate project_cstm;
truncate kbdocuments;
truncate kbdocuments_cstm;