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Revision as of 19:52, 6 February 2023 by Jkuehlthau (talk | contribs) (→‎Updating Contacts)
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Date Fields

While the HubSpot API documentation states that you should pass Dates to the HubSpot API in Unix format,, the Starfish HubSpot connector will do this conversion for you. You do need to be sure to pass that date in a specific format and at midnight. See the following examples.

Using API v3, for a date only field, you need to explicitly set the date to midnight UTC. VBScript:

Function ScriptedField
  ScriptedField=FormatDate("@@ORG:date_entered@@", "yyyy-MM-ddT00:00:00Z")
End Function


object ScriptedField()
    string strDte = ConvertObj2String(Starfish.OriginData["INVOICE_SENT_DATE_C"]);
    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(strDte))
        DateTime dte = Convert.ToDateTime(strDte);
        strDte = dte.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd 00:00:00Z");
	return strDte;

See [Using Starfish Scripting Class Properties & Methods in C#] for ConvertObj2String.

Updating Contacts

When updating contacts, if you are matching on email address, you must be sure NOT to pass in a blank email address. HubSpot will not know which contact to update and will update a random contact with incorrect data. You can either exclude blank emails from your origin or check the "Skip if Blank" checkbox on the email address field. I prefer to do both.

Updating Multiple Records With One Update

Please be careful of updating multiple records with a single update call to the HS API. The HubSpot API allows you to update multiple records with a single call. In these cases, the HubSpot API will not return an ID for the record that was updated. For example, if you are storing a foreign ID value in a custom "ForeignID" field and that field contains the same ID, ABC123, for 2 records, and you update the ID "ABC123", both records will be updated and HubSpot will not return an ID for the record that was updated.