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File:HSLogo color.png

Hubspot / CRM Integrations

StarfishETL delivers a consistent integration experience between HubSpot and your CRM. Your HubSpot data flows seamlessly into your CRM so you can track website visitors, email click-through rates, webinar participation, form reports, and much more. Meanwhile, automated lists imported from your CRM keep your data clean and your campaigns in the inboxes of the right audience.

StarfishETL offers pre-built integrations for Hubspot and various CRM solutions. Below is an example of our out-of-the-box integration. CRM Systems vary, so reach out and let us know what CRM System you are using and we can send you

File:Hubspot CRM Mapping.png

Why build an integration from scratch? Save time and money with a pre-built map. Starfish allows you to customize the map. Choose from the data points above you wish to use or add your own.

Starfish is easy to use. For those people on your team who understand the data of your systems we have a mentoring program, you can be up to speed on implementing your integration in a half a day.

Partners: Your CRM or Hubspot partners are already familiar with your business and how you run it.

Starfish: Have Starfish implement your integration. We have done thousands of integrations and

Give us a call today.