Migrating from ACT! to Salesforce

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This map will migrate ACT! to Salesforce.

This map assumes the Act Company records were NOT used. It reads Company values from the Contact Table. If you have an Act database that did use the Company table, then you need to map directly to the TBL_Company table in Act.

This map is set up to use the SQL versions of ACT. If you have the older flat-file version of ACT, a simple upgrade process can get you on SQL for the migration. Duplicate companies are merged into a single Company record, with contact records underneath it, based on Company Name + City though this logic could be easily changed to fit your needs. This is done through use of a temporary database file, included with the download.

You will have to create 4 custom External ID fields in Salesforce, as defined in the included "instructions.txt" file, to allow for ID cross-referencing.

This map migrates Users, Accounts, Contacts, Opportunities, Notes, History, Activities and Attachments.

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  1. The initial "Accounts + Contacts Staging" job does not bring over phone number extensions. If you want the extensions, you will need to add it to the Origin, p1.SUFFIX AS PhoneExt, and then update the PhoneNo field mapping to be a Hardcoded Function Field with "@@ORG:PhoneNo@@ @@ORG:SUFFIX@@" as the Value. Salesforce stores phone and Extension in the same field, so you can merge them here.
  2. The Opportunity.StatusNum field in Act is an integer. I'm unsure where to find the definition of each integer, but by comparison, I found that: 0=Open; 1=Closed - Won; 2=Closed - Lost; 3=Inactive.


You may find these SQL statements useful for finding data in the ACT Database. These can be used to determine which phone TypeID maps to what Phone field in Act, etc.

select typeid as addresstype, count(*) from TBL_ADDRESS group by typeid
select typeid as emailtype, count(*) from TBL_EMAIL group by typeid
select typeid as phonetype, count(*) from TBL_PHONE group by typeid

select * from TBL_SYSCOLUMN where DISPLAYNAME like '%phone%'
select * from TBL_SYSCOLUMN where REF_TYPEID like '%C3AE9586-6158-4D0D-9FAF-253CB0152F18%' 

select * from tbl_contact where LASTNAME = 'Curtis' and firstname = 'Drew'
select * from tbl_phone where contactid = 'A10DD7A0-9F9B-43B2-9835-E1C0D7963BF6'
select * from TBL_EMAIL where contactid = 'A10DD7A0-9F9B-43B2-9835-E1C0D7963BF6'