Run Options

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Option Name Description
Commit Valid for OLE DB and ODBC destination-type jobs, where “Use Transaction” has been enabled. If checked, all transactions against the destination database will be committed at the end of the Job. If unchecked, no actual changes will be made to the database (all transactions will be Rolled Back). This is very helpful during testing/debugging.
Chain Jobs If the current Job has Job Chaining enabled, this checkbox specified whether it should stop after this Job, or continue on following the daisy-chained jobs.
Auto Deploy Ensure the project document gets deployed automatically so you don’t have to click the Deploy button each time a change is made and rerun.
Logging Level - None Only a total record count will be returned at the end of the Job.
Logging Level – Low Returns an overview of each row/stage processed.
Logging Level – Medium Returns Low Level messages, and displays all SQL statements that are executed.
Logging Level - High Returns Low and Medium Level messages, and breaks down each field during evaluation. This shows the actual VBScript executed and return values from Function Fields.
Argument Allows user to pass in a run-time argument, which is available during the Job through the variable “@@VAR:JobArgument@@”. Job can pass a Return value out of the Job, through the VBScript Starfish Class property “ReturnValue”.
Thread Count Number of threads to spawn for processing data into the destination. Leave blank to use default. (set in StarfishEngine Web.config)
Begin at Row Begin at Row/Leave blank to start at the first row
End at Row End at Row/Leave blank to process through to the end of all rows.
Salesforce Download Results Only available at the end of a SFDC Bulk job. Downloads the raw CSV results of each batch from SFDC servers and opens in Excel.